Michael Eastwood
Based on his work with the Crystal Oversouls, Unfolding Our Light explores a new vision for an awakening humanity which takes into account the changes to the traditional model of auras and chakras. The book explains Eastwood’s childhood connection to light-beings and a particular experience he had as a child. This experience connected him directly to light-beings and their guidance. The book follows the light-beings’ message: “In Lemuria your vastness was reflected through at least ten layers of your aura as well as ten chakras, awakened and fully operational. In this lifetime humanity, as well as all kingdoms of this planet, will awaken from this slumber through an initiation -- the like that has not been since since Lemurian times. This initiation will activate the ten layers of your aura as well as all ten chakras. Through this you and humanity will remember union with the wider universe. This human initiation will be keenly watched by the inner planes as well as other star worlds -- it involves them too.”